How Do You Make An Image Background Transparent In Pages For Mac

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Running on MacOS. I ran the command as you posted and saw a drastic decrease in file size (~3 times if I remember correctly), but the whitespace was still there. I didn't dig into it (and I'm not versed in PNG format), but I can't imagine any way to see such a change in file size without stripping the color depth (although I couldn't tell visually). Perhaps the issue resulted from my image not having a high-contrast border? It was white to light grey. Lunapic had no issues identifying the border and making the background transparent. – May 15 at 18:24.

So without further ado, just read the steps below to get started. How to make the background of an image transparent in MS Paint • On your Windows desktop, click the “Start” button then go to “All Programs”. Find the folder for “Accessories” then find and click “Paint”. This will launch your MS Paint interface. • Once you’re on MS Paint, open the photo or image that you want to crop and place on top of another image. • On the toolbar, go to the “Image” tab then click the small arrow right below “Select”. Choose the “Free-form selection” tool instead of “Rectangular selection”.

How Do You Make An Image Background Transparent In Pages For Mac

• Next, make sure to check the option for “Transparent Selection”. • Using the free-form selection tool, carefully trace the object that you want to place on top of another image. Youtube to mp3 converter for mac app.

Your object will then be displayed on a clean background. To put an image into the background, click the Add Image button. In the new window, click Upload to choose a photo from your computer or pick a background from our collection. You can also leave the background transparent or choose any color to paint it as a solid.

Make sure to exclude all of the elements and colors that you do not want to see. When tracing, just left-click and hold your mouse. Do not release until you’re done.